Wednesday 18 February 2015


Well well. How are you guys enjoying the new dungeons? I for one, have not gone into one for 2 weeks now. Didnt need to since I could cap doing pony farming. Its become quite a hassle doing ExDR now. Especially since these 3 new ones dont seem to be quick. Take Keepers.

Dont know about you but this dungeon is a darn pain for BLMs. All that dodging makes it a wonder how you can ever cast anything. This last fight is pretty fun but still, not worth the time.

AK is, well, boring. If not for these Screenies I wouldnt even remember I did it. This horse though, THIS horse. We need to have it.

The last boss , in which Light claimed, has 'Fucked up legs'. No jokes.

And I dont know why I didnt have any WP HM screens. Guess I was too busy crying and awwing at all the little Tonberries. T^T They so cute they can stab me anytime.

Ahh, the Chrysalis. At first it was a Shit fight where we wiped so much during the meteors. We tried a 6 tank, 1 dps 1 whm method (which was pretty silly) in order to eat all the meteors.
Then when we figured it out, it became the funnest trial ever. Pop all your CDs, Put up a Tank LB before you get sucked into the second phase. BAM, your CDs last forever. Its crazy gay. You could do your Barrage, Raging Strikes, B4B etc.

Yea this. This was the one Light & I tried during Fanfest. They did change some stuff around. Still, the aoe damage is insane in the membrane. I can still run out of mana healing this fight even on my gears. And its not even Extreme.

Ah lastly, Gilgamesh Extreme. If it can even be called Extreme. I really hope its not the last installment of Hildy, I would be so sad. Who knows, I heard it is, I heard its not.

Whole lot of dancing around, and Enkidu drops 100%. So you can farm it for that.


  1. <3 chicken pet ftw :D. Added you to my blog watch. And I hope you won't mind me linking your blog on mine ^_^

  2. aww thank you. your blog is so cute! :D

  3. aww thank you. your blog is so cute! :D
